
by John Miller
Posted: about 5 years ago
Updated: about 2 years ago by John Miller
Visible to: public

Time zone: Mountain Time (US & Canada)
Reminder: 1 hour before
Ends: 05:00pm (duration is about 2 hours)

We are looking for youth willing to act in small bite sized Christmas skits we are calling Skittles. The production will be taking place on Sunday Dec 15th at 7:00pm at Delburne Gospel Church (DGC). We will be hosting practices on Mondays and Thursdays at DGC right after school until 5:00pm starting on Monday Nov 25th. If youth are interested, youth will need to commit to memorizing their part as well as being available on Thursday Dec 12th from after school until 6pm for a Full Dress Rehearsal of the program as well as the show date of Sunday Dec 15th from 5:00pm – 9:00pm.

To find a skit that you might be interested in doing, please see the documents tab in the app or website. Any Document with the word “Skittles” in front of it are skits that can be chosen. There is a short description of each skit on the first page of each document. First come, first served on the skits! Please let John or Debbie know what skit you would like to perform and who will be working with you. Please Note: Once you have chosen a skit we will purchase it from “The Skit Guys”.
All youth participating will need a “Permission and Commitment form” filled out and sent to John Miller. Please find form under the “Documents” tab at .

If you have any questions about the Christmas Skittles production please call John Miller at 403-852-1187 or email


Delburne Gospel Church


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  • [2019-Nov-23 07:32 PM] John Miller: Updated
  • [2019-Nov-23 07:40 PM] John Miller: Updated

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